This was once used to measure one's work, but now is used to measure one's time, where one inch corresponds to one hour. We are admonished to divide our time into three equal parts, 8 hours to serve God and a worthy distressed brother, 8 hours for work, and 8 hours for rest and refreshment. In the past one could reshape ones work or discard it if an error was made, but once time is misused, it can never be recovered. This tool teaches us there is a time for everything (as in Ecclesiastes 3), and that there is no time to waste.
Good brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you seeking your information.
I never think at a day like this, but you are right. 8 hours we work, 8 hours we sleep and 8 hours we relax.
The gauge has strong associations, esoterically, with balance - particularly balance around some central point. See my upcoming piece on the deeper meanings of this working tool.
Bro. Anthony Mongelli, Jr.
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