This is a busy week, Masonically. I've been asked to take a part in the 7th degree, and that will be presented Saturday. Every Monday this month has been degree practice; Tuesday we had a cribbage tournament with Lakeshore Lodge (we lost!); and this weekend is the fall reunion for the Scottish Rites, so I'll be attending Friday and Saturday.
On Monday there was a lodge of instruction for our district, and I really wanted to attend, but I felt that degree practice took precedence. There's another lodge of instruction tonight, but I'd like to be home a couple of nights this week, and for me, Dowagiac is a hike.
During practice Monday, I was asked to take a walk-on role in the 31st (limp-on, with my knee still sore).
Doing the 7th degree has taught me something: memorization is hard. I've never memorized well, even knowing all the mnemonic tricks. I have four lines, and thanks to my wife's help, I can say them in practice. We'll see if I can say them any other time.
You have my every sympathy. I'm in the 31st degree this weekend, myself (Valley of Orlando, in FL).
It's good to see that you are balancing the different sectors in your life. Otherwise, as on the ancient maps, "that way lieth madness."
Good luck with--dare I say it?--the search for equilibrium.
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My Brother,
I work in another Constitution and one of your terms I do not understand. Can you help? You said: "the 7th Degree." May I ask: what is this Degree? In my Constitution, only the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degrees are numbered - as well as having Degree names. Higher Degrees are always known by a name and not by a number.
Hoping for your help.
In the Scottish Rite the higher degrees are numbered and named. The 7th Degree is also known as "Provost and Judge."
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