The Most Worshipful Grand Master of Michigan popped by last night.
The meeting basically went like this:
We have big charities, please donate to them.
We are really low on money, especially since our reserves were eaten up in the stock market.
We are not gaining members as fast as we need to. We need to raise per-capita, so there are two proposals. One raises the per-capita $50, the other raises it $12.50 over 4 years.. Any questions?
Q: We can't afford raising dues $50 a year.
A: Then raise it less.
Q: We can't afford raising dues at all
A: Then we can't afford Masonry. But don't tell me it's not worth a dollar more a week.
We have had an extraordinary run of good Grand Masters. I know several of them, and in every case, they are more interested in the needs of the Fraternity than the status confered by the title. Our Deputy Grand Master is a good guy. He says, "I'm the guy that is telling you we need to raise the per-capita. So blame me".
Afterwards, cake and ice cream from our lodge (most of the expense was reimbursed by Grand Lodge). We had almost 50 men there, and it worked out great.
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