The first night I was SD, several people came up afterward to "help" me with the right number of salutes -- whatever I had done was wrong, that was clear. Each helpful brother had a different set of instructions -- similar, but different. I did figure out where the five "salutes" go, finally.
Last month we changed degrees in the middle. That was fun.
Last night was my third stint at Senior Deacon, and we opened on the EA degree.
That was fun. I got the opening right, but dropping a phrase ("and elsewhere..." although I thought I'd said it) earned me a "reminder" from the Junior Warden. The way the altar was arranged earned some "advice" from a visiting PM. And, sadly, we had to drape the altar after it was attended -- which probably caused the shift which was criticized. Note that the altar was still arranged according to Hoyle (OK, Webb), just a couple of points not quite lined up.
Two candidates were examined -- separately -- and we got to vote.
That was fun, too. We have a very strict way to vote. Whatever that is I did that wrong too.
We're also the only lodge I know that uses Real (tm) Candles, which adds an element of excitement to an otherwise dull job.
I realize I have to pick my own style, and decide how military I want to be (not very). But, as the adage goes, opinions and Certain Body Parts are similar for a reason, and everyone has an opinion about how the Senior Deacon does his job. I'm sure the WM gets similarly advised during his first year. I do have a small anal retentive streak, but this job seems to bring out the constipation in everyone.
I have to figure out how to vote, practice the opening and closing, and just be confident about how things are done so I can listen to the advice that makes sense, and shrug off the rest.
Maybe I'll have this job down by November.
And I don't even want to discuss how Fellowcraft practice went (ok, it was horrific).
Where would Masonry be without those well-meaning PMs to hand out advice and correction? No less that five different PMs will have six different ways to do something...
When I first sat in a chair I made more than my share of mistakes and afterward one of the PM's came over, I was all worried that I was going to be asked to leave the lodge or worse...he calming told me what mistakes I had made and then said not to worry about and finished with "whatever mistake you make has been made a hundred times before and will be made a hundred times more" My Lodge's PM's are usually pretty good about correcting but not making it a serious matter.
I am also the SD this year. After hearing many well-meaning attempts to teach me the "proper" way of doing things, I've decided that I can only try to do the job to the best of my ability. If others don't like how I do something, they are free to discuss the situation with the WM. I serve at his pleasure.
I am also Senior Deacon this year. I've attended LOI each time (fortnightly) and have generally been commended for my work. We Raised a brother two weeks ago and the visitors commented on the quality of the ritual (the WM, a Past Master standing in for our WM as his wedding anniversary was that night, was especially good).
Our Preceptor is often very precise in what he wants us/me to do, and sometimes that deviates from the Taylor's Ritual in our cypher book. After LOI, the Treasurer generally whispers in my ear: "Don't worry, just do what's in the book on the night and all will be well." And it is.
I am likely to be appointed Junior Warden in May, and will have lots to learn (we have a passing and a raising next year).
I don't understand too much how the process is working here, but i have an uncle that is senior deacon and he is very respected in his community.
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