Only it wasn't.
Paw Paw Lodge was raising a Master Mason. The DDI asked for help while I was visiting Bloomingdale/Hudson Lodge; Paw Paw, like my lodge, has not raised a MM candidate directly for some time. I wanted to support their effort, and if another lodge asks for help -- then I'll be there if I can.
My presence seemed to shock the men present. What the heck is someone from South Haven doing in Paw Paw? It was about a 45 minute drive. It seems like all our neighboring lodges are 30 to 45 minutes away.
A Past Master of their lodge acted as Master, and two very talented ritualists from Dowagiac took key roles in the ceremony. I helped open the lodge as Tyler, until the Junior Deacon could make the meeting, and I said my part without prompting or ritual book. I know it's not much, but I'm inordinately proud of myself. I acted as an extra -- you all know what I mean -- and only one man knew any of the FC lines. Fortunately, he knew all of them. Still, some other FCs read a few lines, just so there would be different voices, and some give-and-take.
One of the ruffians took his role less seriously than, perhaps he should have. He must have missed the opening admonition, because (for example) as he was dragged off he shouted that something about New Jersey and capital punishment.
The consensus afterwards was that it was a "little rough". About half the men involved had a ritual book open, and were reading lines or just following along. I didn't bring my ritual book, and I'm glad. If I had a brief line, I memorized it then said it -- like the Tyler's part. OK, "Here" isn't exactly a complex statement, and frankly, I'd be terrified if we had a MM ceremony next week with me as Senior Deacon. But, like these men, I'd face that fear and be as prepared as I could be, and do my best for the candidate.
Small lodges in our area are just starting to bring in new members, slowly building an officer corps that can raise new Masons without the necessity of a exemplar-type mass raising. I hope when my lodge resumes performing 3rd degree ceremonies, we do as well as Paw Paw.
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