Saturday, December 20, 2008

He walks in Beauty, late at night

On December 16th, 2008 I was installed as Junior Warden, the Pillar of Beauty.

1. Find out who these guys are on our lodge rolls who never come to lodge.
2. Visit other lodges, network and build better relationships

My wife is NOT required to cook for the lodge -- I am.

My year as WM is coming up on me rapidly, and frankly I feel completely unprepared.

1 comment:

Millennial Freemason said...

I know how you feel. I was JW last year which meant that I needed to learn and learn quickly a lot of information. My piece of advice is to ask PMs to help out with questions. They are a wealth of knowledge that is sadly untapped by most line officers.

One piece of advice given to me was by RWB Cook, the Senior Grand Deacon of the GL of MN, who said that you need to plan now for your next three years as they will move very quickly; planning is key to your Lodge's success. I really took those words to heart and now have pages of ideas for 2010.
